Henrik Spohler


Hartmann books, Stuttgart, 2020
112 pages, 300 × 225 mm
German, English
ISBN 978-3-96070-040-1

Today, basic scien­ti­fic rese­arch is like a per­pe­tuum mobile pro­vi­ding ever new know­ledge that will later be imple­men­ted in con­crete inno­va­ti­ons through app­lied rese­arch. At the end of this chain are tech­no­lo­gies which can fun­da­men­tally alter our society, such as, for exam­ple, the Inter­net. The pho­to­gra­phy pro­ject entit­led Hypo­the­sis addres­ses the theme of science and rese­arch, rai­sing ques­ti­ons about our rela­ti­on­ship to nature and our sur­roun­dings.