How Language Invents the World

Art Museum Graubünden

Distanz, Berlin, 2024
288 pages, 200 × 270 mm
German, Romansh, French, Italian, Arabic, Icelandic
ISBN 978-3-95476-631-4

Ed. by Damian Jurt, Art Museum Graubünden. Published on the occasion of the exhibition How language invents the world at the Art Museum Graubünden (24.02.–28.07.2024). Edited by Damian Jurt. With literary texts by Gianna Alinda Cadonau, Asa Hendry, Marina Skalova, Joachim B. Schmidt, Usama Al Shahmani, Vincenzo Todisco, Ivan Žic, and with an essay by Damian Jurt.

Graubünden’s language and cultural landscape serves as starting point for the exhibition How language invents the world. Therewith the Art Museum Graubünden addresses a central theme of human culture and locates regional peculiarities in global coherencies. By focussing on a selection of works by national and international artists, as well as on historical artefacts from Graubünden, light is thrown on the meaning of language and narrative in community and society.
In the works of artists such as Not Vital, Erica Pedretti, Thomas Hirschhorn, Marcel Broodthaers, Ian Hamilton Finlay or Maude Léonard-Contant such themes are touched upon like cultural identity, political narratives, migration or language change. The overall theme is exanined within diverse turning points in history and shows how language influences the way we think, act and understand the world.