Book signing in Nezaket Ekici's studio

Mark Gisbourne, Andreas Dammertz, Katrin Günter and Nezaket Ekici are delighted

July 16th, 2018

Nezaket Ekici – Present and Absent

The new book "Present and Absent by performance artist Nezaket Ekici arrived fresh from the press in her studio in Berlin Kreuzberg. Reason enough to celebrate the end of the project and to sign books for the participants. Nezaket Ekici, contributing author Mark Gisbourne, Andreas Dammertz, Ursula Moss from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, editor Katrin Günther and the graphic designer (not in the picture) are delighted.

July 7th, 2014

Detail from “Don’t Worry, be Curious!”

August 17th, 2007


Mixed tones are created through overprinting with customised colours – similar to the principle of acrylics – and without the use of a screen.