September 27th, 2004


Avenir book by Adrian Frutiger (b. 1928). The design of Avenir can be traced back to two earlier sans-serif fonts, Futura and Erbar, and follows the new sobriety of the thirties. In contrast to Futura it is not constructed, rather is was drawn by Frutiger around by hand and then digitalised (published 1988).

Goudy Old Style, detail from “Rémy Markowitsch – On Travel”

September 27th, 2004

Goudy Old Style

Goudy Old Style (Frederic W. Goudy, 1916). Frederic William Goudy (1865–1947) became familiar with William Morris' books and the press movement in his early years as a bookseller. In 1903 he founded Village Press. From 1920 to 1940 Goudy was the artistic director of the Lanston Monotype Company. Goudy developed over 100 fonts between 1899 and 1944.

September 1th, 2004


David Berlow’s Belizio is based on Aldo Novarese’s Egizio, designed in 1955. It was first prompted by the popularity of Haas Clarendon designed by Hoffmann and Eidenbenz, an impeccably Swiss revival of the traditional English letterform. Aldo Novarese was among the first to investigate a true italic designed in the Clarendon style.

Tribute, detail from «Nader Ahriman»

March 30th, 2004


The model for Tribute designed by Frank Heine in 2003 was the photocopy of a reprint of a font specimen sheet of renaissance antiqua by the French punch-cutter François Guyot. The sheet originated between 1544 and 1557. By using a “3rd-generation” model, the punch-cutter was left enough scope to find individual design solutions for the details.